Falun Gong Follower Given Second Chance at Asylum

Thursday, July 15, 2010
Falun Gong

Shan Zhu Qiu, an immigrant from China who fled his native country out of fear of persecution over his Falun Gong practice, has been given a second opportunity to stay in the United States. The Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals on July 12 ordered immigration officials to reconsider Qiu’s asylum case after his attorney successfully argued that his client would be punished back home for being a member of Falun Gong.

Falun Gong is a meditation and exercise-based spiritual group, whose belief-system is peaceful and seemingly harmless…except, that is, to the Chinese Communist Party. Falun Gong was outlawed in China on July 22, 1999, its publications banned and thousands of its followers arrested and even executed. The harsh government action followed an unexpected incident three months earlier when 10,000 Falun Gong adherents staged a day-long silent protest outside the Zhonggnanhai compound where the nation’s leaders live in Beijing. 
In the United States, Falun Group is considered just another New Age group, but to China’s leader, Hu Jintao, and the Politburo of the Chinese Communist Party, the Falun Gong are suspiciously similar to the Tai Ping of the 19th century and other sects that have served as rallying points for mass discontent.
-David Wallechinsky
Falun Gong Follower Wins Asylum Review (by Joe Celentino, Courthouse News Service)
Shan Zhu Qiu v. Eric Holder (U.S. Court of Appeals, Seventh Circuit) (pdf)


Kilgour 14 years ago
Anyone who doubts how the party-state in China treats Falun Gong should read the independent study David Matas and I did. It can be accessed in 18 languages from www.david-kilgour.com. Thanks David kilgour
truthwillout 14 years ago
Thanks David for this item. I would like to put forward another reason for the illegal persecution. Actually, it was Jiang Zemin who instigated the genocide. Falun Gong is a peaceful practice that is no threat to anyone. Unfortunately Jiang who lead the Chinese Communist Party at the time, became jealous and irrationally fearful of the practice, members of the party at all levels were practicing Falun Gong, Master Li Hongzhi was immensely popular. Of course the ideology of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)is one of struggle, oppresion and bruatlity to control the people. Atheistic, power hungry and with no care for human life, Jiang epitomises this outlook, so bent with jealosy and illogical fear, he launched what is today the most evil campaign of terror against ones own people. The current party have maintained the persecution, to maintain their power. I would recommend The Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, it has a very good understanding of the nature of the CCP.

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