Great Britain Said to Refuse Use of its Bases for U.S. Attack on Iran

Saturday, October 27, 2012
U.S. base on Diego Garcia

If the United States decides to attack Iran over its nuclear program, it will do so without the help of Great Britain.


According to The Guardian, American diplomats have asked the British government for permission to use military bases in Cyprus and to fly from U.S. bases on Ascension Island in the Atlantic Ocean and Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean, both of which are British territories.


But London has repeatedly denied the requests, citing a legal opinion that concluded Iran does not represent a “clear and present threat” and that to carry out a preemptive strike would constitute a violation of international law.


An unidentified spokesman for the British Foreign Office told The Guardian: “As we continue to make clear, the government does not believe military action against Iran is the right course of action at this time, although no option is off the table. We believe that the twin-track approach of pressure through sanctions, which are having an impact, and engagement with Iran is the best way to resolve the nuclear issue.”

-Noel Brinkerhoff


To Learn More:

Britain Rejects US Request to Use UK Bases in Nuclear Standoff with Iran (by Nick Hopkins, The Guardian)


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