Mexican Boxer Márquez Wore Political Party Logo on Trunks during Fight against Pacquiao

Friday, November 18, 2011
Juan Manuel Márquez wearing party logo (photo: Reuters)
One of Mexico’s political parties is miffed at native son and boxer Juan Manuel Márquez for wearing shorts during his recent title fight against Manny Pacquiao that had the logo of a rival political party.
Márquez’s trunks bore the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) insignia for a fight that was broadcast from Las Vegas into Mexico last Saturday. The next day, elections were held in Michoacán state, where the PRI candidate won the governorship, which had been held for ten years by the Democratic Revolution Party (PRD).
The PRD insists the wearing of the logo violated a Mexican ban on campaigning abroad, and has filed a complaint with election officials. Party officials claim millions of Mexicans watched the fight on television.
The National Action Party (PAN), to which President Felipe Calderón belongs, also has filed a complaint about the shorts.
In his defense, Márquez said he was given the shorts by his team and that he did not know there were elections happening in Michoacán.
Pacquiao is no stranger to politics himself. In May 2010 he was elected to Congress in the Philippines.
As for the fight, Pacquiao won a close, disputed decision.
-Noel Brinkerhoff

Manny Pacquiao's Latest Win—in Philippine Election (by Andrew Marshall, Time) 


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