Most Afghans Want to Reconcile with Taliban, Not Fight Them

Monday, April 26, 2010
Afghanistan Jirga

In June, the U.S. military is planning to expand campaigns in key Afghanistan provinces, including Kandahar, where more than 90% of the populace prefers peace and reconciliation with the Taliban. An opinion survey funded by the U.S. Army found that 94% of Afghans in Kandahar prefer negotiating with the Taliban instead of attacking them. Eighty-five percent regard the Taliban as their “Afghan brothers,” and 91% want leaders to convene a “Loya Jirga” (grand assembly) to forge a peace agreement with insurgents. The vast majority of locals believe the Taliban will put down their arms and assimilate back into society if offered jobs.

-Noel Brinkerhoff
Ninety-Four Percent of Kandaharis Want Peace Talks, Not War (by Gareth Porter, Inter Press Service)
Kandahar Province Survey Report (Glevum Associates) (page 53)


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