Only 3 House Incumbents Receive Half of Campaign Funds from Small Donors

Thursday, May 20, 2010
Joe Wilson

Less than 1% of all lawmakers in the U.S. House of Representatives manage to support their re-election campaigns with donations mostly from small contributors (defined as those who give $200 or less). Three representatives, in fact, is the total: Democrats Dennis Kucinich of Ohio and Alan Grayson of Florida, and Republican Joe Wilson of South Carolina.

On average, House members receive only 7% of their contributions from small donors, according to
Of the $460,000 that Kucinich has raised this election cycle, $310,000 (67%) has come from small donors. Wilson, who gained notoriety for shouting “You lie” during President Barack Obama’s health care address to Congress, has pulled in $2.5 million in small donations, out of a total of $3.7 million, which also comes to 67%. As for Grayson, 62% of his $3.2 million raised has come from small donors.
-Noel Brinkerhoff


Joseph Conrad 14 years ago
Americans totally accept their Congressional elections (Senate & House) being substantially PRIVATELY financed. They get the WORST THAT MONEY CAN BUY every biannual election, then SQUEAL LIKE STUCK PIGS! This nation is on its way out solely because its citizens are so OBLIVIOUS, WILLFULLY IGNORANT & TOTALLY UNINFORMED as to WHOM is doing WHAT to THEM! Poor stupid Americans DESERVE to LOSE their Democracy!
Gabby 14 years ago
I'm surprised Ron Paul isn't part of this list. Dennis Kucinich is wonderful, not surprised at all that his donations come mostly from small contributions. All the others I'm sure will benefit greatly from Citizens United ruling.

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