VA Moves Brain Injury Lab after 2 Years without Testing a Single Vet

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

After spending $3 million, not testing a single patient, and enduring accusations of program mismanagement, the Department of Veterans Affairs has decided to move its brand new state-of-the-art testing facility for vets suffering from brain trauma from the University of Texas (UT) to a VA hospital in Waco.

Back in 2003, the VA heralded its award of a $6.3 million grant to establish the brain testing center at UT, which already is known for such research. But shortly after he arrived to direct the center, neurosurgeon Robert W. Van Boven complained that $1.2 million of the grant money had been wasted before his arrival, and he later claimed his superiors would not investigate his concerns. An investigation by the VA’s inspector general in 2008 partially substantiated Boven’s allegations, and now both Congress and the Office of Special Counsel are looking into the matter.
Once the laboratory is reopened at the VA hospital in Waco, veterans groups hope some actual progress will be made into finding therapies for the numerous cases of brain trauma suffered by veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan.
-Noel Brinkerhoff
VA Closing Austin Brain-Injury Research Program (by Marty Toohey, Austin American-Statesman)
Adding Insult to Brain Injury (by Laurel Chesky, Austin Chronicle)


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