Women on Obama Staff Earn Less than Men

Sunday, August 09, 2009

In some respects President Barack Obama has done right by women—by including gender identity in the administration’s employee nondiscrimination statement (a first) and by signing the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act. But when it comes to which members of the White House staff are earning the best salaries, female staffers are not doing as well as their male counterparts, argues Ariel Boone, a researcher with the Center for a New American Security.

According to Boone, women working in the Obama White House earn annual salaries that are an average $9,390 less than men’s, and for every dollar earned by male staffers, females received 89 cents. Women make up 49.9% of the White House crew, but dominate the ranks of the lower paid ($30,000-$60,000), where there are 120 women and 100 men. Among the highest income positions (more than $90,000), there are 58 women and 84 men.
-Noel Brinkerhoff
Annual Report to Congress on White House Office Staff (Executive Office of the President) (PDF)


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