U.S. Ambassador to Nepal: Who Is Alaina Teplitz?

Sunday, July 26, 2015

On March 26, 2015, President Barack Obama announced his intention to nominate Alaina B. Teplitz, a career Foreign Service officer, to be the next U.S. ambassador to Nepal. If Teplitz is confirmed, it will be her first such posting.


She is the daughter of Marsha Neece (Freeman) and Jack Teplitz, a lawyer and developer. Teplitz attended New Trier High School in Winnetka, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago. Fellow graduates of that high school include former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, Chicago Mayor and former Obama Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, novelist Scott Turow and actors Ralph Bellamy, Charlton Heston andRock Hudson . After graduating in 1987, Teplitz went on to Georgetown University where she earned a B.A. in Foreign Service and joined the State Department in 1991.


Her first overseas assignment was as the first economic office in the U.S. embassy in Ulan Bator, Mongolia. Other early postings include Tirana, Albania; and Sydney, Australia.


Much of Teplitz’s career has been in administration, including stints as special assistant to the assistant secretary for administration and as a program analyst in the Bureau of Administration. She was also a management counselor at the embassy in Dhaka, Bangladesh and was deputy director of the Joint Administrative Services for three U.S. missions—the U.S. mission to NATO, the U.S. mission to the European Union, and the embassy in Brussels, Belgium.


In August 2007, Teplitz began passing on her expertise to others as she made director of the Management Training Division of the Foreign Service Institute. She gained more experience with South Asia beginning in 2009 as deputy executive director of the joint executive office of the Near East and South and Central Asia Bureaus with responsibility for South and Central Asia, including Pakistan and Afghanistan.


Like most other Foreign Service officers, she had a tour in Afghanistan, beginning in 2011 as minister counselor for management in the U.S. embassy in Kabul. She returned home in the fall of 2012 and was made director of the Office of Management Policy, Rightsizing and Innovation.


Much of her work was with information technology systems, getting IT policies in international outposts to mesh with those prescribed by Washington, and other efforts at standardization to make the systems more efficient. Part of her mandate was also to look for cost-savings by contracting out some jobs and ensuring that missions were not overstaffed.


Married to Robert D. Saul, Teplitz has two sons, Max and Miles.

-Steve Straehley


To Learn More:

Testimony before Senate Foreign Relations Committee (pdf)

Alaina Teplitz Interview (by Steve Watkins, Federal Times)

Official Biography

16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence (by Alaina Teplitz, U.S. Embassy-Kabul, YouTube)


Satis Shroff 8 years ago
Hi Ashwini Koirala!Ms. Alaina B Treplitz is not a royalty and the proper way to address her is with 'Your Excellency.'And Rev. Pierre Cetoute calls Nepal 'Tepal.'Thank you.I'm also of the opinion that she the best thing that has happened to Nepal.
Ashwini koirala 9 years ago
Welcom your highness in my Nepal.
Utsav aryal 9 years ago
Welcome to Nepal.
Rev. Pierre Cetoute 9 years ago
I thank the obama administration for sending Alaina B.Teplitz as American ambassador in Tepal. Ambassador Alaina is highly qualified for the job .I hope we send More female ambassador to Asia. Honorable ambassador, congratulations and greet humbly Carolyn Kennedy ,our ambassador in Japan on behalf of wwww.haititorocommunityproject.com. Rev. Pierre Cetoute -former candidate of Alderman at Large Manchester NH - founder and CEO of Haiti toro community Project.
karishma Sapkota 9 years ago
Ambassador Mrs. Alaina Teplitz , welcome to Nepal and successful your strategic plan .
Ghanshyam Bhattarai 9 years ago
Ambassador Mrs. Alaina Teplitz Welcome to nepal and successful your every path . Thanks
Bahri Aliriza 9 years ago
Honorable Ambassador Teplitz, Welcome to Nepal. I would like to schedule an appointment with you at the State Department to discuss prior difficulties in getting business visas and millions of US dollars lost due to Embassy of Nepal negative actions. We have much business investment we want to provide for Nepal and would appreciate working closely with you and your staff.
Min Prasad Bhatta 9 years ago
Ambassador Mrs.Alaina Teplitz Greetings & welcome to Nepal. wish you all the best and successful time to Nepal. Min and Red Rose Travel Family Nepal
Upendra Gautam 9 years ago
Much of her successes in Nepal will depend on Ambassador Alaina's independent ability in confidently leveraging Nepal's advantageous position vis-a-vis China and India. Madam Ambassador, welcome to Nepal, the most ancient country in Trans-Himalayan Asia.

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